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The Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies minor can complement any major by providing critical tools for understanding and analyzing gender and sexuality across the disciplines. Recent FGSS minors have majored in fields as diverse as Human Biology, Anthropology, CSRE, and English.

  1. A student wishing to minor in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies should apply to the minor via AXESS, preferably by winter quarter of junior year.
  2. The student will then develop an individualized proposal outlining a course of study to be approved by the maxec [at] (Associate Director).
  3. The approved proposal is then submitted by email to the Student Services Manager.

The minor in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies consists of at least six courses for a minimum of 30 units. None of the units for the FGSS minor may count towards the student’s major.

For more information about the requirements for the Minor in Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, please consult our bulletin entry.

Download the FGSS Minor Study Plan

My courses allowed me to explore literature, education, marriage, human trafficking, and politics through both a gender-sensitive lens and a comparative global perspective. My FGSS minor tied together with my studies in International Relations and Spanish by allowing me to explore geopolitical history, human rights, culture, and language, rooted in an understanding of the intersections of race, class, and gender.
Mya Kegley '22