#EdResearch4SpringValley Bibliography

We are pleased to release an annotated reading list on authority and the marginalization of youth in schools and education.

In October 2015, following a violent incident against a young female student at Spring Valley High School in Columbia, South Carolina, Prudence Carter, Jacks Family Professor of Education and Faculty Director of the John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities at Stanford University, put out a call to educational researchers and other social scientists “to make informative research more widely known to educators, parents, students, activists, community-based organizations and many others, as they continue to eradicate disparate treatment in discipline, suspensions, and expulsions in schools.”

We are pleased to release the resulting collective effort of many around the nation–an annotated reading list on authority and the marginalization of youth in schools and education–and encourage you to share it broadly.

Here’s the link to the ‪#‎EdResearch4SpringValley‬ Bibliography: https://goo.gl/dEvg4B